Who are we: Your words Matter To Us is a student led program that supports writers of all various ages in their professional and personal development. It is part of Close Look Productions. We offer monthly writing, and performing events along with our bi-weekly interviews and bi-monthly publishing opportunities Goal: Providing writers of all various skill levels and passions an opportunity to develop their writing, have an opportunity to self-express and present their work in front of an audience, and receive recognition for it. 1.Develop writing: Writing events 2.Self express: Performing events 3.Receive recognition: Publishing events Who do we support? Writers of various skill levels and interests(activism,current events,social issues, short stories/poems) looking for opportunities for development, self expression, and recognition Our support South Surrey recreation Center Crescent Choir Simple generosity Federation of Bc Writers Pandora’s Collective Whiterock Arts and Culture City o
October has been an eventful month for Your words matter to us! Wrapping up the workshop “Tell me a story” operated as a chance for the audience to getsuggestions of writing stories from veteran speakers, who gave an insightful understanding of writing stories and how they are correlated to social issues as wellThe speakers' board consisted of great authors like Maria Amparo Escandon, a NewYork Times best selling author, Tanmay Dubey, a six-time bestselling author and many more. The workshop had gone on three days, with over fifty participants onboard. We were delighted to conduct interviews of potential books writers including ArushiMalhotra, who is a sixteen-year-old author, entertaining the audience with her magic with words. Your words matter to us had conducted her interview on the 10thof October, where she shared more about her journey in the field of creativity. On The 23rd of October, we were able to host another interview with Ally Coy, who is passionate writer